Emory, Relias, and InceptionXR Collaborate To Improve Infection Prevention and Control in New CDC Initiative
Press Release
Connecting Pathogen Transmission and Healthcare Worker Cognition: A Cognitive Task Analysis of Infection Prevention and Control Practices During Simulated Patient Care
Weaver, B. W., Mumma, J. M., Parmar, S., MacKay, R. E., Morgan, J. S., Ghassemian, G., Gannon, P., Lee, L.
Human Factors in Healthcare
Relating Healthcare Workers’ Mental Models to the Transmission of Infectious Agents during Patient Care
Parmar, S., Mumma, J. M., Mackay, R., Garcia, R., Berryhill, B., Burke, K., Nair, A., & Gannon, P.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care (In Press). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
Development and Validation of the Discomfort of Cloth Masks-12 (DCM-12) Scale
Mumma, J. M., Jordan, E., Ayeni, O., Kaufman, N., Wheatley, M. J., Grindle, A., & Morgan, J.
Applied Ergonomics, 98, 103616
Healthcare Worker Mental Models of Patient Care Tasks in the Context of Infection Prevention and Control
Mumma, J. M., Howard-Anderson, J. R., Morgan, J. S., Schink, K., Wheatley, M. J., Kraft, C. S., Lane, M. A., Kaufman, N. H., Ayeni, O., Brownsword, E. A., & Jacob, J. T.
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 1-6
Variability in the Duration and Thoroughness of Hand Hygiene
Mumma, J. M., Durso, F. T., Casanova, L. M., Erukunuakpor, K., Kraft, C. S., Ray, S. M., Shane, A. L., Walsh, V. L., Shah, P. Y., Zimring, C., DuBose, J., & Jacob, J. T.
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 69(Suppl 3), S221–S223
Training and Fit Testing of Health Care Personnel for Reusable Elastomeric Half-Mask Respirators Compared with Disposable N95 Respirators
Pompeii, L. A., Kraft, C. S., Brownsword, E. A., Lane, M. A., Benavides, E., Rios, J., & Radonovich, L. J., Jr.
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 323(18):1849-1852
Common Behaviors and Faults When Doffing Personal Protective Equipment for Patients with Serious Communicable Diseases
Mumma, J. M., Durso, F. T., Casanova, L. M., Erukunuakpor, K., Kraft, C. S., Ray, S. M., Shane, A. L., Walsh, V. L., Shah, P. Y., Zimring, C., DuBose, J., & Jacob, J. T.
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 69(Suppl 3), S214–S220
Design Strategies for Biocontainment Units to Reduce Risk During Doffing of High-level Personal Protective Equipment
Wong, M. F., Matić, Z., Campiglia, G. C., Zimring, C. M., Mumma, J. M., Kraft, C. S., Casanova, L. M., Durso, F. T., Walsh, V. L., Shah, P. Y., Shane, A. L., Jacob, J. T., & Dubose, J. R.
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 69(Suppl 3), S241–S247
Making the Invisible Visible: Why Does Design Matter for Safe Doffing of Personal Protection Equipment?
Zimring, C. M., Matić, Z., Wong Sala, M. F., Mumma, J. M., Kraft, C. S., Casanova, L. M., Erukunuakpor, K., Durso, F. T., Walsh, V. L., Shah, P., Jacob, J. T., DuBose, J. R., & CDC Prevention Epicenters Program
Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 39(11), 1375–1377