Preventing MDRO transmission in skilled nursing facilities.
Over half (57%) of residents in skilled nursing facilities are colonized with multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) with contact between residents and healthcare personnel (HCP) during resident care tasks being a large contributor to MDRO transmission. As part of the Prevention Epicenter of Emory and Collaborating Healthcare Facilities, we are identifying HCP-led interventions that could reduce the transmission of MDROs in skilled nursing facilities. Our Lab is utilizing a mixed-methods approach to identify common barriers to performing critical resident care tasks (e.g., bed bathing and toileting) and strategies to manage them. Simulations will be used to assess gaps in infection prevention and control practices, identify targets for intervention, and test potential interventions.
Methods include:
- High-Fidelity Simulation
- Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
- Focus Group Discussions
1Delete if not needed
1Mody, L., Foxman, B., Bradley, S., McNamara, S., Lansing, B., Gibson, K., … & Min, L. (2018). Longitudinal assessment of multidrug-resistant organisms in newly admitted nursing facility patients: implications for an evolving population. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 67(6), 837-844.